
MAC to Interlaken Solutions


Solution Summary and Benefits

  • Best-in-class Ethernet MAC and Interlaken IP cores
  • Configurable MAC-to-Interlaken bridging solution
  • Largest number of CFP2-compatible 28G transceivers
    • Highest density 100G interfaces with a single chip
  • Dual Gearbox IP for 2 x 100G connectivity – collapses 3 chip solution into single chip solution
  • Integrates functionality of up to three chips in a single chip
  • Flexibility to insert user logic
  • Flexible MAC data rates and density configurations

10x10GE MAC to 100G Interlaken


100G MAC to 100G Interlaken


4x 100G MAC to 4x 100G Interlaken


To learn more about Xilinx Wired Communications Solutions, visit the Wired IP and Reference Design page.