LTC3130 3.3V 转换器具 “濒临崩溃的电源” 保持能力,可运行存储电容器低至 0.9V
The Altera Embedded System Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition is a complete development platform for prototyping embedded systems on Altera’s low-cost, low-power FPGAs. As part of this development kit, you’ll find everything you need; hardware, example processor systems, software applications, FPGA and software development tools and documentation to accelerate embedded system development.
Linear Technology Components
LTM4601 12 A DC/DC μModule.
LT3481 36 V, 2 A, 2.8 MHz step-down switching regulator.
LT1761 100 mA, low-noise, LDO micropower regulators.
LTC3418 8 A, 4 MHz,monolithic synchronous step-down regulator.
LTC2402 1-/2-channel 24-bit μPower no latency converters.
LT1963 1.5 A, low-noise, fast transient response LDO.
LT1931 1.2 MHz/2.2 MHz inverting DC/DC converter.