LTC®3113 是一款宽 VIN 范围、高效率、固定频率、降压-升压型 DC/DC 转换器,可在输入电压高于、低于或等于输出电压的情况下运作。该 IC 所运用的拓扑结构可实现低噪声操作,从而使其非常适合于 RF 和精准测量应用。
LTC3113 能够提供高达 3A 的连续输出电流以满足要求最为严苛的应用。在降压模式中可提供较高的输出电流。集成型低 RDS(ON) 功率 MOSFET 和一个高达 2MHz 的可编程开关频率实现了紧凑的解决方案占板面积。可选的突发模式操作能在轻负载条件下改善效率。
LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.
To launch ready-to-run LTspice demonstration circuits for this part:
Step 1: Download and install LTspice on your computer.
Step 2: Click on the link in the section below to download a demonstration circuit.
Step 3: If LTspice does not automatically open after clicking the link below, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As.” After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu.