LT3790 2.4A 降压-升压型 36V SLA 电池充电器
LT1618 升压型 DC/DC 转换器将一个传统的电压反馈环路和一个独特的电流反馈环路组合在一起,以便起一个恒定电流、恒定电压源的作用。该固定频率、电流模式开关电源可在一个 1.6V 至 18V 的宽输入电压范围内运作,而且,其 1.4MHz 的高开关频率允许采用纤巧、扁平的电感器和电容器。电流检测电压被设定为 50mV,并可利用 IADJ 引脚来进行调节。
LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.
To launch ready-to-run LTspice demonstration circuits for this part:
Step 1: Download and install LTspice on your computer.
Step 2: Click on the link in the section below to download a demonstration circuit.
Step 3: If LTspice does not automatically open after clicking the link below, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As.” After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu.