LT3999 12V 至 12V、10W 低噪声隔离型 DC/DC 转换器
LT3478-1 通过集成 LED 电流检测电阻器减少了外部组件数目并降低了成本。LT3478 采用了一个外部检测电阻器,可把最大可编程 LED 电流扩展至 1A 以上,而且还在设置低 LED 电流时实现了更高的准确度。工作频率能利用一个外部电阻设定在 200kHz 至高达 2.25MHz 的范围内。独特的电路可提供高达 3000:1 的 PWM 调光范围,同时保持恒定的 LED 彩色。LT3478 / LT3478-1 非常适合于高功率 LED 驱动器应用,例如:汽车 TFT LCD 背光源、踏板照明和平视显示器。两个 CTRL 引脚之一可用于设置最大 LED 电流。另一个 CTRL 引脚可用于根据温度来设置最大 LED 电流的降幅,以尽量扩大 LED 的用途并改善可靠性。
LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.
To launch ready-to-run LTspice demonstration circuits for this part:
Step 1: Download and install LTspice on your computer.
Step 2: Click on the link in the section below to download a demonstration circuit.
Step 3: If LTspice does not automatically open after clicking the link below, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As.” After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting ‘Open’ from the ‘File’ menu.