在信息检索方面每年节省 10,000 人工日
了解阿曼石油开发公司如何在其最复杂的一个设施中,充分利用 AVEVA Information Management 信息管理技术的优势。
我们的所有产品都基于独特的 AVEVA 数字资产方法,它为所有合作方提供了一个开放的环境。每个解决方案都提供了适量的信息获取、核实和控制,来支持关键项目和运营活动。这样可以建立一个值得信赖的单一信息源,以改进协作和决策,并降低整个项目和组织范围的风险。
Keeping on top of constantly changing information from multiple sources
Project and asset information is hard to keep track of as it comes from a variety of different sources in as many different formats. Each system is optimised to keep track of its own data but, more often than not, the cross-discipline integrity of information is overlooked and left to manual checking processes.
To unite disparate data, project managers may have to search through multiple incompatible systems in an attempt to check for inconsistencies, which is time consuming and prone to errors.
Managing access to information can be as difficult as aggregating it, as well as making sure there is the right amount of data. Too little data can make decisions difficult, causing delay, and too much can increase time needed to analyse and search through.
AVEVA 在工具本身内整合了所有上下文和背景信息,然后将它们直接关联到您的 AVEVA 信息管理解决方案。您可以访问和查看任何类型的内容,而无需离开您的工作环境,从而提高了工作效率和决策质量,不再需要浪费时间寻找上下文。
我们的核心能力是一个灵活开放的技术架构,这意味着我们的用户可以轻松地将项目数据从其他供应商系统整合到一个集中的位置。可以很容易地创建和维护特定行业的信息标准(例如CFIHOS和ISO 14224),因此生成和维护一套有关具体需求和要求的完整信息也很简单。
AVEVA 的所有产品和工具都是专为协作而设计的。因此,它们都能互相无缝集成。因此,当您购买某个模块或产品时,您从一开始就知道,它将可以直接融入到您的现有系统中。
了解阿曼石油开发公司如何在其最复杂的一个设施中,充分利用 AVEVA Information Management 信息管理技术的优势。
查看使用 AVEVA 技术的最新客户成功案例。
Independent research has estimated that an enterprise with 500 skilled workers, each spending seven hours per week just hunting down valid information, loses as much as $7.5 million-worth of productivity every year…"Hidden Costs of Information Work” IDC, 2006
Underpinned by our Digital Asset approach, AVEVA is redefining how organisations access and retrieve the information that they need in order to improve the speed and reliability of their decision making across the project and asset life cycle.Senior Management, AVEVA
即时触控上下文信息访问,实现超高清可视化。 协作工程的新标杆。