了解 AVEVA ProCon 如何将所有决策者联系起来,以保护资本投资,推动业绩和提高盈利能力。
AVEVA ProCon 旨在管理整个资产生命周期的合同。最好在签订合同前引进,但在资产生命周期的任何阶段引进都能创造重大价值。
High-value, high-risk projects are delivered late
Online tendering: tender schedules often overrun due to a lack of formal process, resulting in key stakeholders missing deadlines or review periods.
No early warning indicators: lack of visibility of the project's likely commercial outcome, because there is no method to assess the impact of multiple contract changes.
Contract auditability: critical information may be scattered among various systems, in different formats, making reviewing projects post-completion is difficult. Staff turnover makes it challenging to get a single source of ‘truth’ when issues arise.
Expectation and interpretation: lack of clarity between the parties can create conflicting expectation and interpretation of the contractual obligations leading to change and potential claims.
High-value, high-risk projects are over budget
Change control: lack of formal process for managing change means that stakeholders may have to deal with invoices with no prior knowledge of the who, when and why context.
Claims mitigation and defence: a stakeholder may face a claim by breaching contract terms. They could overlook an important date-based or event-driven contractual obligation. Then, if record-keeping has been lacking, they have little defence against the claim.
Obligations: missed contract obligations (from either party) can cause risk exposure or even financial penalties.
Payment verification: verification can be a challenge with multiple subcontractors AFPs (applications for payment), risking erroneous payments and penalties for late approvals.
所有变更订单都使用预先批准的模板在 ProCon 内发起。动态的工作流程,对传递至指定当事方审查和授权的变更请求进行管理。快速确定潜在变更的影响(美元/时间表),为审议提供足够的时间,并降低不必要变更的风险。
AVEVA ProCon 提高了透明度,使在外地工作的项目团队与公司批准的业务流程保持一致,合同的签订和执行更为简便。
凭借我们多年的行业最佳实践经验,AVEVA ProCon 的具体知识、预先设计的模板和可配置的软件系统可立竿见影地提高效率。高风险/高价值建设或维护合同管理工作变得更平稳,可根据您企业的要求量身定制。
We introduced AVEVA ProCon across all of our 250+ capital projects, and the capital overrun fell from 157% to 103% of the forecast budget expenditure.Global Oil Major. Regional Head of Projects
Before using ProCon, a claim management used to involve 10 people, usually highly-paid lawyers, working 24 hours a day for 7 days. Now we can run a report from ProCon in response to a claim in minutes. On the last two claims we realised a cost avoidance benefit of approximately 1,680 lawyer hours and avoided claims of $22M.Head of Contracts, Major Oil Operator, Australia
We deploy ProCon on our 16 largest projects but there’s scope to extend it further. The Prelude deployment of ProCon has been a pathfinder for Shell and is the benchmark for other projects to work against.Shell
ZERO CLAIMS on $12bn Shell Prelude - first FLNG ever built.Shell
+$1.2BN recovered from JV partners for valid project changes.IOC
ProCon is targeted to save +$1m per day and $1bn over 3 years.Woodside
了解 AVEVA ProCon 如何将所有决策者联系起来,以保护资本投资,推动业绩和提高盈利能力。
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