了解 AVEVA 技术与激光扫描解决方案如何使 IES Engineering 得以在改造项目中应用精益工艺。
在设计环境中,及时更新数据至关重要。改造往往需要使用过时的或不完整的信息进行耗时的重新建模。AVEVA 的扩建改造项目工程解决方案利用激光扫描和三维设计,结合领先的生产力,可满足低利润率扩建改造项目的执行要求。
AVEVA 能够实现免冲突、多专业的三维设计,利用实相的现有混合激光扫描数据,快速生成准确的图纸和报告,以满足苛刻的项目进度要求。这有助于减少新建和扩建改造工程项目的成本、工期和商业风险,使用户能够长期实施高效精益的建造方法。
The challenge for existing or 'brownfield' operating assets is how to turn decades-worth of experience and operating data from multiple information sources and systems into ‘actionable information’, improving operational safety, operating efficiency and asset information integrity, and reducing risk.
Different sources, 1D, 2D and other formats, along with historical record maintenance procedures, create additional challenges in how to funnel all that information into Insights.
The decommissioning of offshore installations is a complex technical exercise with a stringent regulatory framework. These assets have been in operation for decades, with structures approaching the end of the lifespan for which they were initially designed. Corrosion and ageing must be safely accounted for during the asset life extension or decommissioning proposal.
The sheer cost and scale of such operations and the associated health and safety risks further add to the complexities of already challenging working conditions and of access to current, correct information.
AVEVA 提供了有关现有资产的原样实相和一个协作式数字环境,使所有的工程和设计专业都能以一种有序、有组织、有利的方式对多专业变更做出反应。
AVEVA 的解决方案提供合同风险管理,以在建设和运营高价值资产时推动业绩和提高盈利能力。
了解 AVEVA 技术与激光扫描解决方案如何使 IES Engineering 得以在改造项目中应用精益工艺。
了解 Codelco 公司如何应用 AVEVA NET 精简业务流程,捍卫智利作为世界第一铜出口国的地位。
充分利用最强大和开放的技术来加工激光扫描数据、支持“Trusted Living Pointcloud™”的创建和维护工作。