Logistics Robot Sensing Module is used as an overall term for different kinds of sensor inputs. Sensing Modules can process output signals from sensors that are needed for example to monitor the surrounding of a logistics robot, determine its own position or the position of an object that the robot is supposed to grab or as well to force shutdowns in critical situations. Typical sensors or transmitters used in an logistics robotic system are displacement transmitter. For more details on Displacement Transmitter also look at: Field Transmitter: Displacement Transmitter To monitor the environment of the robot and detect the position of the robot itself or an object around it typically a vision system is used. This refers to the more generic term Machine Vision. For more details on Machine Vision also look at: Machine Vision: Camera Machine Vision: Code Readers Machine Vision: Lightning Machine Vision: Vision Computer
- 具有 LED 照明功能的稳健型、高电阻电容触摸和接近感测用户接口 (UI) 参考设计
- 基于 AM572x 处理器并采用 DLP® 结构光的 3D 机器视觉参考设计
- 感应线性位置感测 Booster Pack 参考设计
- 低功耗 TEC 驱动器参考设计
- 使用 AM437x 的双摄像机参考设计
- 由回路供电的 4-20mA 单片 RTD 传感器发送器参考设计
- 具有 IO-Link 的超声波距离传感器参考设计
- 用于 CMOS 图像传感器的小型、低噪声、高 PSRR 电源参考设计
- 面向 3D 机器视觉应用并采用 DLP 技术的精确点云生成
- 具有集成式单芯片毫米波传感器和 80m 级检测距离的物体检测参考设计
- ESI + LDC 电感式线性位置传感参考设计
- 超声波测距 BoosterPack 参考设计